Our Lady of Hope Catholic School A National Blue Ribbon, K-8 school located in Potomac Falls, VA Messengers of Hope for the World!

Uniforms & Spirit Wear

Uniforms & Spirit Wear

Flynn & O’Hara Uniforms

Girls and Boys in Kindergarten through 8th Grade wear uniforms at Our Lady of Hope Catholic School. The uniform policy is available to review under our Parent/Student Handbook.

Used Uniform

The PTO has two Used Uniform Sales throughout the school year, including at the Back to School Open House in August. Parent contact: Mrs. de Castro

Spirit Wear

New OLOH Spirit Wear

The OLOH PTO has partnered with local vendor Cheers Sports on a new line of spirit wear for our Crusaders! We have shirts, sweatshirts, lounge pants, and OLOH accessories from brands like Under Armour, Gilden, and New Era. All orders should be placed directly through the Cheers Sports online store.

Contact: Melissa Zientek or Allison Miller