Our Math Program
At Our Lady of Hope we are committed to offering math instruction appropriate to the age and development of our students. We realize that students have varying abilities and want to support those who are still developing math skills and challenge those who have a natural math aptitude.
We use Sadlier’s Progress in Mathematics as our math series. Click here to find more information. Its focus on higher-order thinking and opportunities for differentiation ensure a strong foundation of algebraic thinking and real-world problem-solving in our lower school, in addition to meeting students where they are. We are committed to progress monitoring to make sure students are meeting learning objectives and/or being properly challenged. Students will work out of textbooks, workbooks, and test books because Sadlier is closely aligned with our math curriculum found here.
At the end of fifth grade, we test all of our students to determine which math track is best suited to their skill level. We offer a standard track, an advanced track (ends in Algebra in the 8th grade), and an accelerated track (ends in Geometry in the 8th grade). For more information about how students are placed in math courses click here.