The Arts
Studying the fine arts enriches the soul and draws attention to the noblest things, expanding the world view of young children and opening their hearts to God’s creation. Art, music, and drama are important parts of the development of children.
At Our Lady of Hope students have a weekly art class during which they develop sketching, drawing, painting and creative expression skills. We have many very talented artists at our school, but also believe every child should be exposed to art and develop his or her ability. Drawing, creating and sketching is also incorporated into other subjects. For example, in the sixth grade students create a picture using a coordinate plane. In the first grade, self-portraits are a natural way to start the year when students are still getting to know each other.

Our students also attend music class weekly. Our music teacher teaches the Mass parts, classic hymns, and also incorporates performance art, like playing the recorder or ukulele. Some Crusaders choose to join choir starting in the fourth grade or strings or band in the third grade.
Crusaders have at least three ways to shine in the area of drama. The entire school puts on a nativity play each year. On Spy Wednesday, leading into the Sacred Triduum second and eighth graders perform Passion Plays. Crusaders also shine at the Family Talent Show and in middle school as they perform plays for the Shakespeare Festival.