Spiritual Life
Our Lady of Hope Catholic School incorporates the Faith, not only in our prayer life, but also in our classes throughout the day. The spiritual formation of your child is of utmost importance to us. We are not simply a school that “happens” to be Catholic, nor do we exist to solely provide a private school education. We are first, and foremost, a Catholic school with the primary purpose of passing on the Catholic Faith so our students can be active witnesses to Our Lord Jesus Christ in accordance with the Magisterial teachings of the Catholic Church. Our educators and staff attest that they will witness by their public behavior, actions, and words a life consistent with the teachings of the Catholic Church. Our Lady of Hope Catholic School is dedicated to the mission of forming Messengers of Hope for the World!
Weekly School Mass
Each week, our students attend a School Mass. 8th Graders have the opportunity for leadership as readers, altar servers, cantors, and ushers. Our School Choir sings for Mass as our school comes together with the united purpose of worshipping our Creator. Parents of students are welcome to attend School Masses.
Teachers share the beauty of adoration with our students during the exposition of the Blessed Sacrament in the church.
Morning & Afternoon Prayers
Prayers are integrated throughout our school day. Our day begins with student-led prayer and concludes in prayer. Our students also pray before lunch and in their classroom. Some of our prayers include the Morning Offering, Act of Contrition and the Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel.
Divine Mercy Chaplet
An initiative requested by our Student Government in 2020, a decade of the Divine Mercy Chaplet is sung every Wednesday afternoon for our closing prayers.
With the Pastor’s intention that families accompany and participate in the Sacrament of Penance with their children, the Sacrament of Penance is offered a few times a week at Our Lady of Hope Catholic Church. Our 2nd Graders prepare to receive the sacrament at the end of their 2nd Grade year.
Classroom Saint Names
Each classroom is named for a saint, with religious statues throughout the school.
Virtues of the Month Program
Our goal is not only to educate academically but is also to build character. Each month our Crusaders learn and are encouraged to practice a specific virtue. This is a great way for our students to embrace the virtues as part of their Faith and their daily lives. The Virtue of the Month may be taught through projects, a specific lesson on that virtue, or by studying the lives of the saints.
Class Visits by Priests
The priests of Our Lady of Hope Parish visit classrooms whenever they would like the opportunity. We are so grateful for the active presence of our religious!
Prayer Intentions for Our Families
Each day our community prays for a school family during our morning prayer. This is just one way of showing appreciation and spiritual support from our school community.