Our Lady of Hope Catholic School A National Blue Ribbon, K-8 school located in Potomac Falls, VA Messengers of Hope for the World!

Forgot Lunch?

Forgot Lunch?

Front Lobby Dropoff Bin

Forgotten items may be dropped off in the bin in the Front Lobby. If you drop off a forgotten item for your child such as a lunch or snack, please clearly label it with your child’s name, grade and time of drop off. The Front Office is not responsible for dropped off items. Please do not drop off items in the lunchroom.

Any child who has a lunch or snack dropped off after the school day begins, should check our “Lunch Dropoff” bin in the Front Lobby before going to Lunch or if it is missing during snack. If a child arrives in the lunchroom without their lunch, they are welcome to eat after they return to the classroom if they’ve notified a teacher they did not get lunch.

Students may not have soda in school.