Our Lady of Hope Catholic School A National Blue Ribbon, K-8 school located in Potomac Falls, VA Messengers of Hope for the World!



 “Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.”  1 Peter 4:10

Parents and Guardians can find opportunities to volunteer in the Crusaders in Service Application, VolunteerHub. Registering in the program is required of all parents to see volunteer opportunities and for tracking volunteer points. Register early and see all the events you can support.  Volunteer opportunities will be entered into the tool so you will be able to scan the available opportunities and sign-up ahead of time.

Crusaders in Service

At Our Lady of Hope, we are blessed to have wonderful families who share their time and talent by volunteering. Our Catholic school does not benefit from state and federal funding in the same way as public schools. We rely on our community working together to be sure the students have a full academic, extra- and co-curricular experienced. Parent involvement and participation in school activities are necessary to provide the many academic and extracurricular services offered by the school to our children and staff.

Volunteer Points will be required of each family enrolled at Our Lady of Hope. Rather than track hours, we have assigned volunteer activities with point values.  Each family is required to complete at least 15 points of family service each year. The student obligation of service hours for the Sacrament of Confirmation is not included in the family service requirement. Families are encouraged to continue recording service throughout the school year, even beyond the 15 points.

Service opportunities are available in Volunteer Hub as well as through the PTO and Room Parents. Signups will be added and slots adjusted throughout the year by the various committee chairs as their needs change, so please continue to visit the signups for volunteer opportunities.  Some signups will also be highlighted in the emailed school messenger, PTO Blasts and emailed by the various coordinators as they become available.

If your family is unable to participate, you may choose to buy out of the commitment for $25.00 per point or $375 per family for the year. However, we are encouraging ALL families to participate at some level.

Below are some considerations for Crusaders in Service:

  • All service activities must be completed by parents, guardians, or close family members 16 years of age or older. Volunteers must be compliant with the Diocese of Arlington’s Office for the Protection of Children/Young People (OPCYP) in order to volunteer on the school campus with students. OPCYP compliance is not required for volunteer opportunities off campus and not with students.
  • Service points may be earned by volunteering for Our Lady of Hope School sponsored activities. Parish activities such as teaching religious education, CYO, helping with the parish picnic, etc. do not count towards service points.
  • Service points may be earned by volunteering for events such as Lunchroom Volunteer, Recess Monitor and Library Aide. Points may also be earned by assisting with various PTO sponsored activities, such as Room Parent, Dance Chaperone and Bingo Night volunteer. This list is not inclusive. Throughout the year there will be other opportunities to earn service points in the individual classrooms and activities.
  • All service points will be tracked by the PTO’s Volunteer Hub tool in conjunction with the school volunteer log and committee chairperson. You family must be registered with Volunteer Hub for points to be valid.
  • Points may only be submitted if you actually volunteered at the event (i.e. If you are scheduled to volunteer at Bingo and Bingo is canceled, you cannot submit service points for this event.  However, if you donated a prize for points, and that prize is held by the PTO for the next event, those points DO count).
  • Service points cannot be carried over to the next year or shared with other families.
  • The academic year for counting service points is from August 1st – June 15th.
  • Service points must be completed and submitted by June 15th.
  • Families that fall short of the service obligation are billed at a rate of $25 per point (or part of) for any outstanding unearned service points. Your family will receive an invoice at the conclusion of the school year to be paid by cash or check.

Volunteering with Children

An individual who wishes to volunteer in any substantial capacity with children must become compliant and complete the following as required by the Diocese of Arlington’s Office for the Protection of Children/Young People (OPCYP):

  • Online Background Check Forms
  • Attend Virtus Seminar
  • TB Screening from within the last 12 months
  • Concussion Training (Recess & Lunchroom Volunteers Only)

Please do not sign up to volunteer with children until all three of these requirements are completed. If you are not a volunteer, but would like to start the process, please contact Mrs. Matzke.

Child Protection Services

The Office of Child Protection Services works to ensure that all children and youth in programs throughout the diocese have a safe environment full of caring and responsible adults to watch over them.  For more information, please visit  https://www.arlingtondiocese.org/ChildProtection/