Our Lady of Hope Catholic School A National Blue Ribbon, K-8 school located in Potomac Falls, VA Messengers of Hope for the World!

Activity/Club Sign ups

Activity/Club Sign ups

DC Music Academy Band and Strings Program for 2024-2025 at Our Lady Of Hope Catholic School

IMPORTANT DATE: September 6 at 5:30 PM in the Gym we will have Music Instruments Petting Zoo. We will hold an instrumental demonstration, after which students will try to choose/play their favorite instrument. Parents will receive all information as well as registration forms to be filled out that day. Early registrations especially for returning students are highly encouraged.  Registration form is attached to this email. Signed forms along with payment please leave at the schools office for Dr. Andrei Pidkivka

Beginner and Advanced Band and Strings Program Outline (attached document with rehearsal dates and registration form)

Band (grades 4-8) will meet on Fridays after school on the stage. New students will learn how to play instruments and experienced students continue to improve techniques for band instruments (flute, clarinet, saxophone, trombone, tuba, French horn, bassoon, oboe, percussion) and learn a diverse repertoire playing together as a school band. 

Strings will meet on Fridays after school at the Library. This program gives students in elementary (grades 2-5) and middle school (grades 6-8) an opportunity to learn and improve their individual musical skills and ensemble skills while enjoying great quality time making music together with school friends. Students develop a sense of artistry, musicianship, and discipline through musical preparation and performance. Students in the strings program will show their acquired musical skills in their instruments at the Winter and Spring Concerts as well as the opportunity to represent the school off campus.  

In addition we offer individual lessons for all band and string instruments including piano and voice after school.  For schedule and rates please email me at:


Band Director: Dr. Andrei Pidkivka 

String Director:  Dr. Solomia Gorokhivska


Phone 412-498-3310 

Posted on August 29, 2024