Our Lady of Hope Catholic School A National Blue Ribbon, K-8 school located in Potomac Falls, VA Messengers of Hope for the World!

Get Crusader Gear

Get Crusader Gear

To place an order for Spirit Wear, complete the form below and return to the School Office. For order inquiries, please contact Kimberly Chau.

Spirit Wear Order Form

PERMITTED FOR SPIRIT WEAR DAYS: Crusader Spirit Wear, khaki pants, navy blue pants (girls may also wear skirts that are no more than 2 inches above the knee).  For Spirit Wear days, gym uniform attire is also acceptable.  Socks and sneakers or shoes are required.

NOT PERMITTED ON SPIRIT WEAR DAYS: Cut-offs; jeans; camouflage pants; shirts with negative comments or advertising; backless garments; low-cut fronts, halter, tank or tube tops; leggings, jeggings, and bike shorts; and sandals, flip-flops, or beach type shoes.